harry iles-mann

real stories, real change.


How does my story build value for you?

My work in the health space started with storytelling - sharing insights from my own experiences of ill-health and well-being, and more than two decades of time spent navigating and relying on the health systems and services that support us.

The power of transforming the way we think, engage, problem solve, and innovate in health begins when we connect with the journeys and lived-experiences (good and bad) of others.

When we empower and engage with lived-experiences we reveal unique insights that transform system and organisational culture. Our connection with experience and growth empower compassion and drive us to make lasting positive change.

Because my advocacy is a combination of lived-experience and professional expertise, I engage with and bring together a diverse range of audiences and individuals who often don’t cross paths in the current culture of health reform and innovation.


When I speak, I am always making sure to draw on valuable experience and insights as a health consumer myself to challenge ways of thinking, encourage stakeholders to innovate novel solutions and strategies, and empower connections between diverse communities of stakeholders and the services they engage with.

I’ve spoken at events and forums around the world, sharing my professional insights on co-design, lived-experience engagement, and transformational change in heath through the lens of my own personal health journey. I aim to inspire and empower people and organisations to innovate and improve service design and delivery.

When it comes to speaking and panel engagements I work with you to ensure that my contribution to your forum or event adds value to your overall dialogue and event structure. I build enthusiasm and meaning for attendees and inspire them to seed change in their own work, and throughout the industry. Partnered with my focus on practical tools for engaging with lived-experience, your audience will be inspired and leave equipped with practical tools for transforming health design and delivery.




co-design | Lived-experience engagement | strategy and policy reform | stakeholder engagement | health innovation | governance and administration | health care management | digital transformation | digital health | mental health | youth mental health | chronic health | disability | transplant awareness | health service reform | patient experience | strategic planning | patient advocacy | motivational speaking | health literacy and education | chronic care management